Information Hub / LGBTQ+

Your IVF Journey: Getting the right support from the right experts

What Is Surrogacy, Who Is It For and What Is Involved?
It’s National Surrogacy Week from the 1st to the 7th of August! Discover what surrogacy is, who is best suited for and what’s involved…

Will Being Transgender Affect My Chances Of Having a Biological Baby?
Transgender conception is a complex topic and research is still going on in this field, as medical science is improving all of the time and people are wondering what could be possible in the future.

Being a Single Parent – How To Start Your Own Family, By Yourself
As a single person, there are various ways to become a parent. So, where do you start? In this blog, on our website and through our dedicated channel of experts, we can help you to explore your options.

Real Life | Our Path to Parenthood & Beyond – Laura-Rose & Stacey’s Story
As part of our real-life stories series, Laura-Rose and Stacey share their story of starting a family.

How Much Does IVF Cost for Same-Sex Couples?
For people who don’t qualify for NHS funding, IVF can be an expensive process, especially if more than one cycle is needed in order to conceive. For same-sex couples in England, the cost can be even greater…

How Are The Fertility Needs Of Trans & Gender-Diverse People Being Met?
How are the needs of trans and gender-diverse people being met, while they are undergoing fertility treatment?

What Issues Might The LGBTQ Community Face Regarding Conception?
For the LGBTQ community, having a baby can involve a great deal more planning, organisation and expense, even if there are no obvious fertility issues involved.

Fertility Treatments for the LGBT+ Community
Discover more about starting your family if you’re LGBT+, with information on donor insemination, surrogacy as well as other potential roads and support.

How Can I Find An LGBT+ Friendly IVF Clinic?
While most clinics should be able to cater for a wide variety of needs, finding one where you feel comfortable and you know the clinic are used to catering for people on a similar fertility journey to you, will help you to feel more relaxed and confident about your treatment.