Ask the Expert: Emma Cannon, Fertility & women’s health expert & Founder of the Emma Cannon Clinic Thursday 17th August 7:00pm – 7:45pm Virtual Live Session

Chair: Charlotte Gentry, CEO & Founder, The IVF Network

Leading Expert: Emma Cannon, Fertility & women’s health expert & Founder of the Emma Cannon Clinic.

For this month’s Ask the Expert we are delighted to be joined by Emma Cannon, Fertility & women’s health expert & Founder of the Emma Cannon Clinic. Our Ask the Expert sessions are a fantastic opportunity to ask your questions directly to our leading fertility specialists. Emma Cannon is a fertility mentor, advisor, acupuncturist and author of 5 books on Fertility. Emma has been supporting individuals and couples on the path to becoming parents for over 25 years; her aim is to help people to become parents from a place of health and balance. Emma works in a unique integrated way that combines the best of modern research, treatments and diagnostics with complementary therapies and traditional practices. She also has a special interest in immunology and the role the immune system has on fertility and also the impact of trauma, past and present. Emma holds a bachelor of Science Degree and is a member of The British Acupuncturist Council.

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