How to start your fertility journey as a solo parent

“According to the government’s advisory body, the HumanFertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), the number of single women choosing to have IVF is up 35% since 2014.” (Anisa Kadri, BBC News, August2018)
“Surrogacy UK, who help introduce so-called ‘intended parents’ with surrogates, said they have seen an increase in the number of single people, including men, wanting to become members.” (AlexJennings and Lucy Ballinger, BBC News, 2021)
If you are beginning your journey as a solo parent, it is wise to look into the variety of options available to you, before committing to fertility treatment.
Where do I start?
Having a conversation with your GP is a good place to start. As well as being able to give you advice tailored to your personal medical history and doing an initial fertility assessment, they can also advise you on whether you may be entitled to NHS funding (where you live in the UK, will influence your eligibility for funding). If you qualify for funding, the GP can then refer you to a specialist.As a single person, you may still be required to self-fund several cycles ofIUI, to prove your infertility, in order to qualify for funded IVF treatment.
What ifI’m not entitled to funding?
The NHS website gives the following guidance:
‘If you’re not eligible for NHS treatment or you decide to pay for IVF, you can have treatment at a private clinic.
Some clinics can be contacted directly without seeing your GP first, but others may ask for a referral from your GP.
The cost of private treatment can vary, but 1 cycle of IVF can cost up to £5,000 or more. There may be additional costs for medicines, consultations and tests.’
It is very important to find out what is included and not included in the quote.
Overseas treatment may sound cheaper, but you will need to check what is included. Factor in costs like flights and accommodation and be aware that in some countries, the regulations around fertility treatments aren’t as stringent as those in theUK.
As a single woman, what treatment options might be available for me?
If, after fertility tests, you have no obvious barriers to conception, then the least invasive and cheapest option for you would be IUI. Your cycle would be monitored and donor sperm would be inserted around the optimum time for conception. If your fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged, then you may be advised to have IVF.
Sperm can be obtained via someone you know, from a sperm bank or through the clinic. It will be screened first, to check for infection or genetic disorders. Alternatively, you may choose to co-parent, conceiving using sperm from a man who will share parental rights with you.
If you are unable to carry a baby to term, but you have viable eggs, then surrogacy may bean option.
With surrogacy and co-parenting, it is important to get legal advice first, to fully understand your rights. In the UK, a surrogacy agreement isn’t legally binding and you will not have parental rights until after the birth and then only if the surrogate signs the parenting order.
As a single man, what treatment options might be available for me?
If you have healthy sperm, then surrogacy, using IUI (intrauterine insemination) is most straightforward. If you have weak sperm, then IVF or IVF with ICSI may increase your chances of success.
Co-parenting is another option, where you choose to conceive with a single woman and parental rights are shared between you.
With surrogacy and co-parenting, it is important to get legal advice first, to fully understand your rights. In the UK, a surrogacy agreement isn’t legally binding and you will not have parental rights until after the birth and then only if the surrogate signs the parenting order.
How can I find a surrogate?
In the UK, it is illegal to advertise for a surrogate, so you would need to go through an agency to find one.
Can I foster or adopt as a single person?
As a single person, you can foster or adopt, providing that you are over 21 and meet the criteria required.
Here at theIVF Network, we provide information through our dedicated channel of experts, our blog posts and our website, to help you to make informed choices on your personal fertility journey.