Speakers: Dr Marilyn Glenville, Colin Davis. Chair: Charlotte Gentry

The IVF Network is proud to present: How to improve your chances of implantation. This event will look at how you can support your mind and body before and after your embryo transfer. There are things that you can do that will help your endometrial lining during this time to get it nice and sticky, and optimise your gestational environment so you’re in the best shape to receive and nurture embryos and boost your chances of a successful embryo transfer.

Topics will cover:

– What to eat

– Should you consider acupuncture?

– Developing healthy habits and the importance of a healthy BMI

– The thinking around supplements

– The mind/body connection

– Getting your endometrial lining into shape

– When is an endometrial scratch a good idea?

– How you can increase implantation success after embryo transfer – blood flow, immune function

– How certain nutrients can make a difference

– Which fertility add-ons are worth considering?

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