Join our live discussion with a panel of experts discussing how egg freezing works and the circumstances under which it is recommended.

Egg freezing  (mature oocyte cryopreservation) is a method used to save women’s ability to get pregnant in the future.

Eggs harvested from a woman’s ovaries are frozen, unfertilised, and stored for later use. A frozen egg can be thawed, combined with sperm in a lab ( embryo) and implanted into the uterus (in vitro fertilisation) at a later date – preserving the age and quality of the egg at the time that it was harvested.

Some women may choose to freeze embryos (if sperm is available at the point of creating the eggs). Or a combination of eggs and embryos may also be frozen. Depending on individual circumstance.

During this live discussion, our panel of experts will discuss how egg freezing works and the circumstances under which it is recommended, including the potential risks associated to both mother and egg.

If you’re considering egg freezing, this is your chance to ask the experts for their advice and support.

Panellists include:

Mr Adrian Lower – a highly respected and experienced gynaecologist who has specialised in the field of Reproductive Medicine for the past 30 years

Cynthia Hudson, VP, Clinical Strategy & Specimen Services, TMRW Life Sciences

Chaired by Emma Cannon

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