Acupuncture and Pregnancy
Having acupuncture has been shown, in some studies, to have a positive influence on pregnancy outcomes, as it improves blood flow and can reduce stress and anxiety in both men and women. There has been no conclusive evidence to show that acupuncture can help you conceive, but acupuncture points may induce follicle stimulating hormones that improve blood circulation through ovarian stimulation.
Acupuncture is not necessary for successful embryo implantation and does not fix fertility issues. However, if you are curious about including acupuncture in your fertility plan, it will not have a negative effect on your chances of conceiving. Some individuals find it beneficial, as acupuncture can regulate hormones and reduce stress.
What is acupuncture treatment?
Acupuncture is a form traditional Chinese medicine and is now used widely in the western world. It is considered a complementary medicine, which involves puncturing the skin with thin needles at specific acupuncture points on the body, in order to alleviate pain, relieve stress, improve sleep quality and treat physical, mental and emotional conditions.
Acupuncture and fertility
Some studies show that acupuncture can be beneficial to fertility because it may assist in regulating stress hormones, and this positively impacts ovulation and the menstrual cycle.
For males and females, acupuncture may reduce stress, which may impact your fertility and overall well-being, as stress can be caused when diagnosed with unexplained infertility.
Acupuncture for relaxation
The best approach to integrating acupuncture into your fertility plan is to see it as a stress reducing and relaxing treatment. Stress alone is unlikely to cause infertility. However, infertility can cause stress, and it’s possible that that stress can have a negative impact on a couple’s chances of conceiving.
Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that has helped people manage their stress levels for thousands of years. The process of inserting needles into acupuncture points on the body releases tension and stimulates energy flow. Having acupuncture can also lower cortisol (the stress hormones) and increase ‘feel good’ hormones. It can help both partners trying to conceive by helping their muscles relax, and their minds feel calmer.
What will an acupuncture consultation look like?
As acupuncture is a holistic treatment and often used alongside conventional medicine, your acupuncturist will want to know your full medical history and talk to you at length about your fertility journey so far.
They will set up a personalised, individual plan for your treatment, explain what they will be doing and why, tell you how many sessions they would recommend and try to put you at ease before you get started. While many people are nervous prior to starting acupuncture sessions, people often relax into it very quickly and some patients relax so much, that they even fall asleep during acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture and IVF treatment
Acupuncture is often used as a complementary treatment with IVF. In some studies, IVF outcomes increased in the groups that participated in acupuncture before and after embryo transfer. These studies showed a significant difference by using acupuncture treatments as an integrative medicine with IVF treatments. However, other studies show no difference.
Is acupuncture good during IVF?
Acupuncture at the embryo transfer stage, acupuncture can be used to increase blood flow to the uterine lining and improve blood circulation. Additional treatments can be given during the stimulation phase to reduce blood clotting.
As acupuncture is a complementary treatment, it’s difficult to find evidence to prove conclusively the impact of acupuncture on IVF success.
The fertility drugs taken during IVF treatment can cause side effects, and acupuncture may be beneficial in reducing these negative symptoms.
Acupuncture during fertility treatments- Why, What and How?
How much does acupuncture increase IVF success?
Acupuncture was 42 % effective at increasing live births in instances where previous IVF cycles had failed. Other studies have shown women undergoing IVF with acupuncture increased their chances of having a baby from 25 % to 33 %. Although, these results have not been consistently replicated across all studies, and could be from other factors unrelated to the acupuncture.
The importance of improving blood flow with IVF
Like any other organs in the body, the reproductive organs need nourishment. Blood flow can decline with age and stress, and as many women undergoing IVF are older or struggling with fertility issues, this can have a negative impact on their ability to conceive.
Acupuncture may increase blood flow to the ovaries and uterus making the body ready for the embryos to be implanted.
Acupuncture may also increase blood flow to the male reproductive organs and can increase sperm count and improve sperm morphology and motility.
Acupuncture sessions during IVF
If you are looking to integrate acupuncture into your fertility treatments, many people begin a month or two before their first IVF cycle.
There are studies that strongly imply that an acupuncture session that happens right before the treatment are the ones which are linked to the positive results. Others recommend that acupuncture is used prior to starting IVF treatment and before and after the embryo transfer.
Can you have acupuncture during the 2 week wait during IVF?
Yes, you can have acupuncture during the 2 week wait however there is no research showing that having such treatment increases implantation rates. Although, if you have found acupuncture to be beneficial because it regulates your stress and relieves your anxiety, you can continue during this time.
How to find a trusted acupuncturist
Your doctor or fertility specialist may be able to refer you to someone who is used to working with IVF patients. It’s always advisable to ask the acupuncturist about their general experience and their experience working with patients with infertility.
The UK has its own regulatory body called the BAC (British Acupuncture Council). Other countries also have regulatory bodies, if you are looking at having your IVF treatment overseas.
How The IVFN can help
It is important to remember the evidence is conflicting surrounding acupuncture and fertility. Here at the IVF Network, we understand the emotional and physical challenges that infertility and pregnancy can present. There is no quick fix on your fertility journey, and there is a range of information that is often contradictory that can be confusing.
If you have more questions about acupuncture and IVF, then you can discuss and ask question with other likeminded individuals on The IVF Networks Safe Space or take a look at our broadcast: Improving Chances of IVF Success with Acupuncture in our members area.