What Steps Can You Take To Relax Your Mind and Body, Before IVF Treatment?
Discover all of the ways that you can relax your mind and body before IVF.
Understanding IVF from the procedure to navigating success rates and considerations, our platform offers invaluable insights into the IVF journey.
Discover all of the ways that you can relax your mind and body before IVF.
Before you start IVF, it’s a good idea to be as physically and mentally prepared as you can. IVF is a complex process, which involves a variety of medication, lots of hospital visits, physical and emotional challenges and a lot of waiting.
Fertilisation takes place when the egg and sperm join together to create a zygote. In natural conception, this usually occurs in the female’s fallopian tube, in the hours, or days, after sexual intercourse has taken place and around the time of ovulation.
Egg retrieval is a vital part of the IVF and egg freezing procedures and deciding whether or not to freeze some of your eggs is a choice that will need to be made, if you are wanting to preserve your fertility for longer.
IVF is a real journey and it helps when you don’t feel so alone. Here Natalia shares her story of infertility and the journey it has taken her on.
Unsuccessful IVF doesn’t have to be the end of plans for a family. Options like adoption, fostering or surrogacy can provide many individuals and couples with the chance to become parents.
Every individual is different and you should also seek advice from your GP or fertility specialist, to see when it is safest to try again from a medical perspective, with your own particular circumstances. Read more…
IVF is certainly a great option for many people, but how do you know if it’s right for you? Discover in this blog why IVF is often referred to as a journey and how you can prepare beforehand.
New research is continually taking place to help couples and individuals who are unable to conceive naturally, through intercourse. Egg donation is just one way that can help otherwise infertile people, to become pregnant.
Vaccine ‘hesitancy’ is a totally understandable response among women wanting to get pregnant. And that includes those who’ve started or are beginning their IVF journey whether that’s IVF with ICSI or other techniques. But a new review of data by the UK’s health regulator shows that Covid-19 jabs don’t affect fertility or the chance of […]
After treatment you will be so excited and eager to take a pregnancy test; but when should you do it and what should you expect in the days and weeks following embryo transfer?
Taking your mind off of your treatment, especially when everything is constantly being done to time and monitored, isn’t always easy. The waiting time to find out if you have any viable embryos and if you have conceived can also seem endless.