Ultimate Guide to Creating a Fertility Policy
The IVF Network is here to help you create a fertility policy that supports your employees with compassion.
Understand how fertility in the corporate workplace impacts employee well-being and productivity and the importance of providing support to employees.
The IVF Network is here to help you create a fertility policy that supports your employees with compassion.
A strong support network consists of more than just close friends and family. When honest and open conversation exists between partners, with family and friends and at work, it benefits everyone.
Miscarriages are common, with approximately 1 in 5 pregnancies resulting in miscarriage. Despite its frequency, it doesn’t make the emotional impact of it less heartbreaking. A lack of support from employers can negatively impact an employee’s mental and physical wellbeing and reduce productivity. What is a miscarriage? A miscarriage is a pregnancy loss that occurs in the first 23 weeks […]
Wondering how to tell your employer about your fertility treatment? Find out more about having an informed conversation with your boss.
How can menstrual health, menopause and fertility impact the workplace – and what can employers do to support their employees?
There are laws in place to protect pregnant women from being discriminated against by their employers, however, there are no such laws to protect people having fertility treatment. This means that many women choose not to tell their employer that they are undergoing treatment.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) one in six people around the world experience infertility, so why is there still a stigma attached, that deters people from talking about their upcoming fertility treatment to their employers?
Awareness of fertility in the workplace has never been so important. Here we explore the importance for both men and women of protecting themselves from exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.
If you and your partner are struggling to conceive, then the cause of the infertility could be related to your job or profession. Certain working conditions, for example working with some chemicals, can negatively affect your sperm and reduce your fertility.
Should companies be doing more for those having IVF treatment?
If you have had the same employer for many years, then requesting maternity leave should be relatively straightforward. If you are new to your job, you work for more than one employer, you do agency work, or you are self-employed, then it can be a little more complex.